January 10th, 2020 to when my life changed for the better. Woke up one early morning and felt complete nausea and dizziness along with abdominal pain. I had trouble sleeping and moving my bowels, thinking it was just a simple constipation issue and dehydration, but not having to diagnose myself, I went along with my sister to her doctor appointment with our PCP. Not thinking anything of it, I described the discomfort the doctor and I was required to go to the ER after our visit. My mom eventually got a phone call from my sister and I explaining I needed to get some testing done, she immediately said “Kerri you’re not drinking enough water and eating enough, so your body is shutting down”. I later was sent into a room and waited hours to see someone to treat me. One doctor after the other, came back with different diagnostics. My parents switched back and forth staying with me. Meanwhile I had no breakfast or lunch. Constantly waiting in agony and distress. A doctor came in to tell me I possibly have appendicitis or an intestinal issue. I was shocked because I knew the symptoms of an appendix rupture and didn’t feel the need to be looked at. For that reason, I was tested and hours later, negative. Still unable to eat anything, not even a few crackers, I was told to get a CT with oral contrast. That was disgusting. I looked at the nurse handing me a pitcher of clear thick liquid that looked exactly like hand sanitizer and tasted like paint. After being alone for quite a while, sipping on that nauseating concoction for two hours straight, I was ready for my test. Another couple hours later, the radiologist sent back my report to the doctors who were treating me that evening, and told me I needed to follow up with a vascular surgeon as soon as possible. So it wasn’t appendicitis, or a constipation problem even though I am really backed up lol. But was something called Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome, also known as MALS.
Mind boggling. Super confused. Unsure what the f*** that even means. Compression of my celiac artery??? WHAT??!! My mom comes back and listens to the speech of what to do before being discharged out of the hospital, and questions them as if it was a false positive diagnosis and I had nothing wrong with me. Everything I said was exaggerated and pulled out of my ass and was all in my head just like every doctor had said. Leaving the outpatient center with continuous pain and nausea, taking over the counter Naproxen, a stronger form of Advil, eating pizza for the first time in three years, enjoying it while I go home and everything goes right through me. Besides that I really enjoyed my pizza slices. After all, I had a really long and stressful day and my dad treated me to late dinner. I couldn’t have been more thankful for that pizza place not closing and being open until midnight.
So that happened….officially yet not sure why I was diagnosed with MALS.